2025 festival dates | august 8 - 10


Sat. Sept. 21 & Sun. Sept. 22

Rain Dates: 9/28 and 9/29


What is required to participate and be included on the map? 

You must pay the $10 application fee, complete the application and sign the waiver by the posted deadline to participate in the yard sale and be included on the map.


Why do I need to complete the application and waiver?

In Merrimac, the town requires a permit for yard sales, when participating through the town wide yard sale, your application and waiver include you on a master permit. If you do not complete this paperwork, you would need to secure an individual permit for your particular yard sale.


Why is there a $10 fee to be included on the map and advertising?

The nominal $10 fee allows us to print the map for local circulation and raises money for Friends of Merrimac, the nonprofit organization that runs Merrimac Old Home Days and other community events in Merrimac.


Do I have to participate on both Saturday and Sunday? 

No, you are free to participate on either Saturday or Sunday or both days. Please indicate which days you plan to participate on your application form.  


Where are the maps distributed? 

Maps are printed and available at local business in Merrimac, MA, typically Richdales, Towne Market and Common Grounds. Maps are also circulated via Facebook and our website for easy reference at any time. 

Can I advertise my own yard sale?

Yes! Please spread the word about your yardsale and feel free to #merrimactwys and link to our Facebook page www.facebook.com/merrimacohd to let people know they can visit other yard sales in town that day as well! Please also consider letting those that come by know they can check out the map online the day of the sale.